Wednesday 27 September 2017

Sunday in Canterbury

We arrived early in Canterbury and were received by the Cathedral bells calling the faithful to mass. We arrived at the Cathedral and checked whether everything was alright for our visit later in the day, after which we went on a walking tour of the city walls, farmer's market and the centre of town.  You can see a bit of all that in the following videos. The first two were taken with a three-hour difference. You can appreciate how many more people were out and about.

The next video shows the Farmers' Market:

Once we came back from our wanderings about town, we went into the Cathedral grounds, and the building proper.

Here's the video that goes with the photo above:

After visiting the Cathedral, the Eighteen had time to walk the centre of town in groups. We met after about an hour and a half and travelled back to Grosvenor Hall.  Our students would have liked to stay longer in Canterbury, so would the teachers.

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